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The Chip Board Archive 17

Mr Spragg is right! (as always)

These were chipco samples used at the I.C.E. (International Casino Exhibition) held at Earls Court London... and were the first chipco's shown to the UK & european casino operators...

The first chipco order for the UK followed in 1993 (Grosvenor County Clubs samples produced in 1991 [R10] & Grosvenor Clubs Limited samples in 1992 [R8]) see scan left & middle

First full order - Grosvenor Casinos 1993 (see scan right)

The other main operator Stanleys followed in 1995... the Stanley 25p for sale in the original post is from this order (all Stanley chipco chips withdrawn in 2004)

Messages In This Thread

for sale More Foreign Chipcos for sale
Hey "Cigarman"...
Lee, I actually dont know anything about them. Do
Re: Lee, I actually dont know anything about them.
Re: Lee, I actually dont know anything about them.
Given out at the London 1990 gaming show
Mr Spragg is right! (as always)
Re: TCS is a Tech company..
Now you've refreshed my memory grin
Re:International Dealers Championship 2007
Re:International Dealers Championship 2007
What does TCS mean

Copyright 2022 David Spragg