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The Chip Board Archive 17

for sale UK Empire and Isle roulettes for sale

Excuse some of the below history copied and update from a previous sales post grin

When I first got these chips, I only got a 'sampling' from the higher denom tables, but subsequently, a couple of people who bought the sets requested that I try and complete them. I have now done that. In addition there are two new tables at the Isle that were not open two months ago.........

I have 2 complete sets available if anyone else is interested.

The London Empire (Casino at Leicester Square) has 12 low limit (relatively grin ) tables in play. Originally I had no clue why they skipped the numbers they did but I do know now. The casino has 6 auto-roulette wheels. On the auto machines you can select from any of these 6 and all 12 live tables. The arrangement of the wheels on the floor means they allocated #'s 4,6,13,14,15 & 16 to the auto wheels.
The tables are in banks of 4 - £1 minimum tables 1, 2, 3 & 17 - 9, 10, 11 & 12. £2 tables 5, 7, 8, 18.
Some tables have one or more colors designated for higher buy-in only, presumably more secure for them if a player wants to switch without moving tables. There are 8 colors in use on each table. Orange, Yellow, Blue, Green, Lilac, Beige, Grey & Brown.
I have all 8 colors from all 12 tables, 96 different chips total. The actual buy-in for one of each was £128 ($263). It cost me 10% over approx to get them. If I add a bit for gas/parking for the few trips I made specifically to get these chips and nothing else, plus shipping from here and a bit for paypal, I need $325 for the set of 96.

The Isle at Coventry also has 12 tables in banks of 4 but table minimums are mixed up, and also different colors are fixed at different minimums on most tables. Coventry is 'out in the country' so it attracts any clientele it can get from a fair radius as there are no other decent size casinos nearby. Therefore its like a zoo most of the time I talked to a few dealers and pit bosses and they say its a nightmare with all the mixed minimums and different limit tables. Each table has 7 colors in play, being the same as the London Empire but with no yellow. The yellow "Phuket" chip in the scan is explained below. Each table has the name of an Island - Ibiza, Mauritius, Phuket, Bermuda, Zanzibar, Seychelles, Tahiti, Hawaii, Jamaica, Bali, St Kitts and Antigua. I have all 7 colors from all 12 tables. The first 7 listed are a mix of 50p/£1/£2 minimum. The next 3 are a mix of £1/£2 & £5. The last two tables are straight £5. With the yellow Phuket there are therefore 85 different chips. The buy-in for one of each came to £162 ($338) so I need $400 shipped for the set of 85.

If you want both sets - 181 chips - price is $700 shipped. (buy-in alone is $601)

Now onto that yellow chip I reported here after I had been to the opening, and that they had teething problems etc. so there wasnt much play (and I was primarily there for cash chips anyway). As I got there before it got busy I played a couple spins on one table just to get a color to show to people at the convention. By chance I got yellow. I did notice when I looked around that all the other tables only had 7 colors so I checked to make sure they all had the same 7. When I went back to the Phuket table to see if maybe they only had 7 including the yellow, I saw they had taken the yellow out of play but still had the same 7 colors as the other tables. I asked the pit boss why. He explained that as it was almost identical to the £1 cash chip, security had trouble identifying them on camera so they were trying them on one table only while Gaming were there for the first hour or two of opening. With the mix of tables and minimums they considered it totally unplayable so that single yellow chip was only actually in play for half an hour. Pure luck that was the color the dealer gave me first up and that I had pocketed 5 of them.

Copyright 2022 David Spragg