1. There are only 2 ways that supply and demand will be equal. Total luck or the ability to read everyone's mind. Neither of these will ever happen.
2. If everyone who wanted something could have it cheaply there would be no value in collecting other than for fun. Your collection would be practically worthless.
The purpose of a "limited edition" is to make it desirable and valuable. If the limit is so high that everyone can get it then that defeats the purpose. Your argument applies to chips in general, but not LE's, and that's the subject of this debate.
While I agree that many of the casino management are not brain surgeons we shouldn't confuse issues. Their job isn't to make collectors happy. It's to make money for the casino. Sometimes the two can't be done so that both are happy. We just have to make the best of it and adjust as needed.
Again, just my humble opinion.