The link seems to imply that the "Penthouse Club" was a part of the Playboy Club. I was working in Madrid in 1978 and we got a four day weekend. I flew to London and joined a club about two blocks from the Playboy the night I got there - I figured my wife might object if I joined Playboy but wouldn't mind me doing a bit of gambling. The place I joined, "The Hertford Club", was on the second floor of the building at 21 Hertford St. - there was a different club on the ground floor. There must have been some rule limiting the size of casinos and they got around it the same way they did in Deadwood - put multiple clubs in the same building. So I would think it is possible that this chip could be from the club at the top of the Playboy building. Not sure how you would ever nail it down though.
Hard to believe that it was 29 years ago. I only played one night - lost all my money and left with out saving a chip - silly me. At least I still have this cool club card....