The Chip Board
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The Chip Board Archive 17

Runner up goes to...

This is a chip that has a lenticular graphic on one side. When this chip came out, I wanted one and was looking for it at the convention. I told Bernie Sloan I was looking for that chip and he made it his mission to find one for me. He did and picked it up for me.

Messages In This Thread

My Favorite $100
Re: My Favorite $100
A Close Second Place!
This is mine
My second best
Always Liked This One.
Re: My Favorite $100
This one is outta this world!
vbg Love THAT one TOO!!! vbg
vbg Love THAT one TOO!!! vbg
Re: My Favorite $100
Mine too! Love that Aladdin chip!
grin That's one of my favorites, too....along with
Re: grin Awesome! Is the spotted one...
grin You know your chips, Pam...the "measles" chip
Re: grin You know your chips, Pam...the "measles" ch
$100 Union Club, Havanna, Cuba
A bunch were made but you don't see them often.
grin The $25 version of that chip is one of my very
I cant decide, You choose grin
I'm with choose....
Re: I cant decide, You choose grin
Re: OK Showoff I like that one better
Not rare but not often seen...
A Super $100 vbg
Re: My Favorite $100
Angie's Poker Club
Re: My Favorite $100
This Is Mine
Undoubtedly this would be my favorite!! grin maybe this is a close second.......
vbg My Favorite vbg
Easy choice for me! Here's mine...
Runner up goes to...
Re: Since I only have one
With A Horse....of course! vbg

Copyright 2022 David Spragg