And last, the table, unfortunately the actual table I will use is wrapped and stored in the basement until I finish my basement project, which is almost done, doing all the drywall seams for some reason seems to take forever

But when it is complete, it will be "the casino room" as if the rest of my house isn't already, so the wife says... Anyway, the roulette table is the exact same style as the one in this photo, but much larger. The table in this picture I believe was a hazzard table. The tables, chips and rack, were all compliments of a fellow named Sammy schraeder, which I am sure Gene knows of, Sammy was Clevelands man in Newport, but he was a very nice and generous man, who without, the "casino room" would be very lacking. The wheel I had to actually purchase from a retired State Police Officer. The story I got from him was that after Beverly burned in 1977, this wheel was found in the basement after the fire and ceased as conterband. I hope you enjoyed seeing a bit of the history that is left from the old Northern Kentucky gambling days. There isn't much left around anymore so when I got these items I thought I died and went to heaven. Well, like my wife says, maybe I an obsessed with this stuff....
Thanks for viewing, Dave