Visit the Preserving Gaming History Site
This is my 12th in a series of posts related to available online resources. Over the next few weeks I will be focusing on a different resource site each day. Each of these sites has invaluable information to make your collecting experience all it can be.
I cant believe it took me so long to talk about this site as it is simply outstanding
For years I have had books of chips labeled as UFC's (Unidentified Flying Chips) in my binders and had absolutely no idea where they might be from.
Sure there were people I knew that has some of the records from some of the manufacturers, but it always seemed to be a hassle to first figure out who had what and then wait for a reply.
Last year thru the work of David Spragg and Gene Trimble they were able to amass a huge amount of manufacturer records that either they had in their own possession or obtained the permission of others who had them to publish.
This site may be the single most helpful site available anywhere in the use of attributing these previously unknowns.
The amount of chips I have been able to identify within a week after the site was up and running quickly eclipsed those that I had over the precious 10 years.
If you have chips that need an ID manufactured by HC Edwards, Hunt, Taylor & Co. Jones Brothers or EM O'Neil, then this site should be your very first stop !!!!
Well done and a fantastic resource, what more can be said. Kudos to Gene, David and all the others involved in this project.
Keep your eyes and ears peeled for more Tips of the day coming tomorrow.
Happy chipping to all