There are many instances where a chip is reordered. The intent of the purchaser is to replace or add on to their supply of a particular chip. The chip manufacturer fills the order, but in the process, something is just a tad different from the original. Usually, it is something like the ink used was a shade lighter or darker, or the coloring of the chip came out a hare lighter or darker than the original, or an insert is 1/8 inch different in the reorder. Most of the times, this was not done "on purpose".
This produces a "variant". And many times, if the "variant" is not available in the numbers that the original are, the "variant" becomes desirable.
Personally. I don't buy into much of this. My feeling is if the casino/purchaser intended to replace the chip with a new issue, we then would have a new chip. If the idea was to replenish, and the manufacturer meant to replenish, and the essence of the chip is the same, then the chip should be considered the same. I think much of it is hype on the part of the owner of the "variant". People like to feel that they have something unique. Slightly different and unique mean different things to me.
I know much of this comes down to how you personally feel about what "differences", or variations, are important. I didn't begin collecting until 2002, and I know that much of our thinking about this topic evolved long before I became interested in collecting.
Does someone know the history here. Is there anything written that I should read regarding this?
Before I cement my opinion on the topic, I like to think that I have given it considered thought.
And in case you don't think it means that much, think again, lol. That next set that you are oh so close to completing.....well, is it really complete, if you do not have the "variant"?
What do you think?