This is from Maeve, ebay Group's Coordinator:
This year we are hosting a two week long event December 1st through 14th. We will have an open house / holiday bazaar group that will have prominence on the group center page. This event will also be advertised in different locations on eBay.
Interested groups will be able to post a thread in that group with a link to their Welcome page. You can talk about your group in that thread. That is the membership drive part of the promotion.
This year we are also inviting groups that sponsor a sales event to post their auctions in their thread. So, if group has members selling for the holiday season, they will be allowed to talk about their auctions or refer people to your group for more information about your group’s promotions. For example, if your group is hosting a Holiday Children's Clothing Boutique, A Toy Seller's Showcase, Last Minute Shopping Side Walk Sale, Art for the Holidays, Primitive Christmas Decorating, Best Books for Winter Reading etc., you would be welcome to include those types of group promotions in the Holiday Bazaar.
Each group leadership team will be responsible for checking on their thread during the open house to answer questions or to welcome people or answer questions about their Holiday promotion.
We aren't having a contest for the best decorated page this year however, you are more than welcome to decorate your welcome page to make it attractive to potential new members.
Please let me know if you have any other questions.