~ Are there cracks in the chip itself. Commonly there are hairline cracks in the chip running from the outer edge to the coin center. In the some Atlantic City chips, the Claridge as just one example, sometimes there are sections of the outer edge inlayed name cracked or missing. Unfortunately, this is very common.
~ Scratches in the chip.
~ Dents in the rim, which usually happens when a dealer gets a toke, and then bangs it loudly on the edge of either the tip box, or metal rack. This is done to announce the toke. Note: To this day I still cringe when I see/hear this happen.
~ Condition of the coin can vary. Take for example the Colorado Belle in Laughlin. The brass coin can have a clear coat finish, which can come off in "splotches" the result is an uneven tarnish and a blotchy look.
~ Has the coin center been scratched either by the use of steel wool (chippers over zealous cleaning), or by a deeper scratch or damage.