This is what I use to determine if a chip is obsolete, Just my way, others may do it another way.
1, It's obsolete if no longer in use at the tables or has been superseded by a new chip of a different design.
2, It's obsolete if it is a limited edition and won't be made again.
3, It's obsolete if the casino or card room has closed.
4, It's obsolete if cancelled or notched providing any of the above apply.
Again, I stress just my way. We'll hear from others if this is way off base.
BTW my Websters Dictionary defines "obsolete" as, no longer in use, outmoded in style/design/construction.
Websters also defines "retired" to remove from circulation. Hence a retired chip could be part of a rack removed from the tables with the possibility that they will either come back into play, be destroyed or cancelled.
If the Club has an official definition of the above, I would like to know.