The Chip Board
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The Chip Board Archive 17

Yippie Red Lion Cowboy Poetry $5 = LE 25 found

I have set #2 and I started a registry page, for the known chips out there.

If you have one or both of these and would like your name associated with the chip(s) please visit the site and email me. If you want to register the chip and NOT have your name, please do the same and request that no name be listed, which will be shown as Collector but PLEASE tell me what number(s) you have.

AKA too much time and a way to have some fun... grin

Messages In This Thread

Yippie Red Lion Cowboy Poetry $5 = LE 25 found
Re: Pete Klinger
Congratulations grin
Re: Congratulations grin
Red Lion Cowboy Poetry $5 Registry Update
Re: Pete Klinger Please Read
Re: Pete Klinger Please Read

Copyright 2022 David Spragg