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The Chip Board Archive 17

Contest for Slightly Used 2007 POV

Phyllis was kind enough to give me an unused Pocketbook of Values for the year 2007 as she never did get there this year. Anyone that knows this book knows it is full of great coupons for Las Vegas. I only used a few matchplay coupons and upon my return to NJ I asked Phyllis what would she like I do with the book. She said to have a contest. Since I have been busy I will make this contest real simple.

First person to respond to this post wins the book.
You must be a ccgtcc member.

Please don't respond if you will not be in Las Vegas before the end of December when these coupons expire.


Messages In This Thread

Contest for Slightly Used 2007 POV
i'll take it
Winner WInner Winner
Thanks Thanks Thanks
And a big thanks to Phyllis too...
Wow! A FREE POV? It doesn't seem fair?
Hey- it's's a USED POV!
Laugh now, cry later, tubby grin
Re: Laugh now, cry later, tubby grin
Re: Laugh now, cry later, tubby grin

Copyright 2022 David Spragg