Yeppers, those are the pieces I was talking about, the number is the color and the letter is probably the insert type. The customer would pick the combo he wanted and the order would be something like this: (From the book)
a #5 red chip with three split #10 white edge inserts would be identified as 5A-10B-5C. A #50 black chip with three split #10 white edges inserted with #5 red would be indentified as 50A-10B-5C.
On further inspection of Herz' BJ pages I find 226 BJ mold descriptions! Also Shawn, you noted "8 suits". Glad you're going to become our Bud Jones mold expert
so you can help us ID Bud Jones 8PIPO, 8PIPS or R8PIPS plus the other numerous uses BJ had of pips and suits and inserts. Boogling!
And, just to further confuse things... (Hiya Doug, remember this?)