Any interest in doing a Chipboard Secret Santa? Or maybe to be politically correct it should be a "Super secret, end of the year, holiday gift giving person?" Anyway if you are interested, post here so I can get an idea of how many folks wish to participate. Then send me an email with "Secret Santa" in the header so I can easily identify it. Include your name, mailing address, email address (so I can notify you), and maybe a short list of the type(s) of things you collect. We can set a limit on the gift of $5-$10.
I'll take emails through the weekend. After which I'll put all the names in a hat, and draw the matches. I will then email you back the info of the person to buy for.
Maybe we could each mark the envelopes we send with a big SS on the reverse so we know what it is and the Person in Charge of Losing the Mail at the Post Office doesn't.
Remember, no peeking or telling who got who. And don't open till X-mass.
I think this could be fun!