USPS Bringing down the hammer!!

Not a good day for me....Thought I would give everyone a heads up!
Just returned from the Post Office. Had some chips to mail and an unusual postage due notice on some chips I received. Seems the delivery method a lot of us use through pay-pal and ebay by buying and printing your own shipping labels (see picture)is under attack. Because the envelope wasn't 3/4inch thick I was charged postage due of $4.02 for the Priority rate. NOT THE SELLERS FAULT... I have received dozens of these envelopes with the same label and postage paid and never had a problem. Now the bad news....I was mailing three more pre paid envelopes that were not accepted and was told that the USPS is cracking down on them because "they were losing money" with the system! All envelopes need to be at least 3/4inch thick or you will be charged the extra to match priority mail fee's. Looks like it is back to the old system of bringing everything to the counter so a real person can weigh and attatch proper postage. (Interesting way of the USPS saving money). Or maybe I can just stuff some more bubble wrap in them to thicken them up. Wish it was closer then ten miles to the nearest Post Office. Now I have to try and cancel the postage I paid to paypal and start over......Anyone else experiencing this lately??....Doug