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The Chip Board Archive 17

Are you available to play NL holdem on Sat nights?

The first game of No Limit Hold em poker for Saturday Night Poker is coming up on December 8th. We will then be playing on alternate Sat nights starting in January. We will be playing at Poker Stars and the buy-in will be $22. You can come and go from the games, but you must be on the mailing list to be able to play. If interested, I need you to email me the following:

Your first and last name
Your best contact phone #('s) (for my files only and only for emergency purposes)
Your Poker Stars screen name
Your contact email address(es)

Non-members are encouraged to join. I do require that a ccgtcc member who has had dealings with you vouch for you first by email.

We currently have 20+ people on the mailing list and need more. The more we have, the bigger the pool for each game. Any questions, please email or post a response here on the board.


Messages In This Thread

Are you available to play NL holdem on Sat nights?
Upcoming games schedule

Copyright 2022 David Spragg