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The Chip Board Archive 17
Greg... I'll "chip in" 2-bucks...
In Response To:
Re: Here is an idea about the lead in chips
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Here is an idea about the lead in chips
Re: Here is an idea about the lead in chips
Greg... I'll "chip in" 2-bucks...
Re: Here is an idea about the lead in chips
I have a test kit for lead based paint
Re: Here is an idea about the lead in chips
"Holy hysteria, Batman ...
Re: "Holy hysteria, Batman ...
Shoot...! No chip recalls; no new issues... ?
Newbie Tip of the Day - Never trade with anyone
You may have to cut off a finger to do the testing
Re: You may have to cut off a finger to do the tes
Jim & Don, "Rub Some Dirt On It And..."
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