I am not a person that makes money from buying and/or selling chips. What I try to do is buy some chips/props etc. for myself and whenever possible, buy a few extra and sell them on the board - hopefully to cover my purchase.
The Benefits: I can get my items at little or no cost, and pass the savings onto my fellow members. I have done well with the "Rounders" chips (some still available, email me
), the "Montecito" chips and the Budweiser poker chips.
The Downside: I sometimes buy items I think will sell like wildfire that end doing less than I expected. (Guns 'N Roses / Led Zeppelin / $25 Rio D's chips anyone - email me ).
The contest: Forget the three items I mentioned above - they are not even close to the correct answer. My question is: Name the worst stinker I have ever offered for sale on the board. It is the one item I have posted that received zero interest. I still don't quite understand it.
First member that links to this post with the correct answer gets one for free. I will then offer the rest up on the board in a fire sale. Good luck!