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The Chip Board Archive 17
If the Bid reaches $450, I will add something new
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If the Bid reaches $400, Ron Lammer will add his
that I havent quite figured out yet........
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Personal Chip & more Auction - Update
If the Bid reaches $350, I will add the following
If the Bid reaches $400, Ron Lammer will add his
If the Bid reaches $450, I will add something new
If the Bid reaches $500, Gene will add a fantastic
The higher the bid goes, the more stuff I will add
i will add to it if it gets to 450.00....
Thanks Again Ron. It looks like these chips
Current Bid now $510 so it includes everything
Anyone else interested in donating incentives so
wow cool when auction ends email...
doug i will add more if....
Thanks Ron, We also have some more donated
Congrats, Doug & thanks.
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