Re: Why do people feel it's ok to insult every law
Hi Michael... Hope all is good! Lawyers are an easy target, just like the ones they go after or get others to go after! Hey, I'm gonna love my lawyer soon.... I'm being sued for 150 grand! I'm named in the suit...and I hope that's all concerning me and that the boss's lawyers will take care of it! Either way, the shyster lawyers will come out with more than anyone else involved! My ex told me that when she was working for John Landis the movie guy when he was being sued by the parents of the 2 kids killed on the set of The Twlight Zone... that when the lawyers passed eachother in the hall and said hi..... they would bill eachothers clinets. Ha! Don't take lawyer bashing personal Michael.. Everyone loves lawyers when they need them!
Take care and how about Torre? It might work for a couple of years then Mattingly takes over... Damn Yankees invading Dodger Land!