How many of us are pure collectors? Or Collectors, Gamblers, Sellers, & Buyers? Or any conbination of all four in what order. This is a very touchy question, and might be hard to answer honestly. Myself, I like to gambler first, sell second, collect third, and trade last. Now if my wife asked the question, I'm a Collector, seller, trader and gambler last. What would be your best guess for the entire club membership? My guess as follows:
First Choice
70% collectors
Second Choice
50% Gamblers
Third & Fourth Choice
30% Sellers & Traders
I think the hobby starts with Gambling, Casinos, Poker games ect. But, some make a living on selling,Trading, ect. Is it possible, some of us are using the Collector of rare chip lable, but really a Gambler at heart. Most true Gamblers die broke. Maybe I should be a true Seller from now on?