1. You failed to read this chain, I have no particular interest in changing the name, nor do I suspect any benefit that might be obtainable from a name change would offset the cost and time hassles. The question was a hypothetical one (obviously directed at others than those who were present when the actual discussions were held). THe question was simply if 'you' had been there when the club was being named, what would you have suggested (I would add that the ideas should probably contemplate what the organization has become-educational, history protective and covering much more than chips and tokens-several which did not exist when the club was founded).
2. I find it strange that whenever a discussion even is suggested on a possible change you suggest that a proposal be made to the Prez and BOD. Since the discussion is just beginning, it would be innappropriate to consider such a step at this point. Since this is in part an educational organization, questions and new ideas (even ones doomed to failure) should be encouraged.
The earlier chain began when I commented that Sheldon's suggestion in the club mag was interesting, and I was interested in what the discussion may be. At this point I would hardly call his 'editorial' to be enough to qualify as 'those beating the drums". I found Doug's list of Cons to be pretty significant, but was still curious, what ideas others may have had for naming the club (originally if you will).
Was the CCGTCC the one and only name suggested? What were the other ideas (if any), and what were the discussions like among the founders on the issues related to the forming of the company. I would find that very interesting-and obviously you are uniquely qualified to enlighten us. Out of fairness, this may not be the most efficient venue to share that info. But I admit, i would find an article or maybe a seminar with a Q&A session on the early history of the club to be very attractive.
But I digress from the point. Your comments may have fit with the chain previously, although it was a minor point of my review, but here I am simply asking folks to sit back and use their imagination, curiousity, and intelligence and see if they can come up with namethat is inclusive of the many facets of the hobby, contemplates the educational and historical roles, and has zip. It is not easy, and I highly doubt there is a name that is so good as to even begin to justify the time, hassle and expense of a change.