The total amount of my 19 pounds of coins was: $248.94. This was the actual total of the coins. This total does not reflect any Coinstar processing fees.
My problem
The person closest without going over was Steve Palumbo with a guess of $246.22 - only $2.72 off the total. However, his guess did not include a # as my rules stated.
Second closest was Steve Margolis (R-7695) with a guess of $240.00.
My dilemma
I try not to make my contest rules too difficult, but the reason I want a number is to make sure a club member wins the prize. That simple. I should have watched the entries more closely, and then I would have told Steve to post his
# - it was partially my fault for not letting him know right upfront that his entry was incomplete. I try and do it for my boxing contests, and I should have done it here.
My Solution
Steve Margolis is the winner. See the two chips below.
Steve Margolis: Please email me your choice of the two chips with your address and I will get the chip in the mail in the morning.
Steve Palumbo: Please send me your # and your address and I will send you the remaining chip.
Thanks to everyone for playing!