Nothing can be farther from the truth. The sender did NOTHING wrong in my opinion and packaged the chips completely properly.
I am happy for you that you live in a small town and love to visit the post office. However for those of us that live in large towns its not that easy. I have NEVER spent less than 30 minutes in line at any post office here in Houston.
I can agree with many on the fact that this should be a Postal System problem and not a problem of those who want to mail stuff. Walter did exactly what I would have expected of him to do, and no less.
I honestly dont see how this was a "Dumb" thing to do as you put it. It sounds like you are calling the rest of us who mail chips that way "Dumb" also.
The purpose of this email was to place the blame on the Postal service who did NOT do thier job and not the sender, who did.
Thats my thought anyway.