Yesterday Robt. Cashell Jr. was approved by Gaming and will take over casino operations of Fitzgerald's Cashino and Hotel in Reno. As you may know, his father Bob Cashell is mayor of Reno and onetime owner of the nextdoor Horseshoe Club before it became a liquor/souvenior store. As I've posted before, Fitz is where I like to stay when I visit Reno and I've been pretty interested in what's been happening in the casino district for the last several years. Fitzgerald's has been run by the bankrupcy courts for several years while various people have looked her over and kicked the tires and such. The last serious attempt to purchase the joint was pretty can find my previous postings on that by going to the archives and running a search, KEYWORD: "Russian mafioso", "interview/NewJersey State Police" or "stolen plutonium".
I'd meant to post this link during the week that gives a pretty good rundown on the Fitz and what's happening in the casino district in Reno. Sounds like it's all going to be good. A half-million for the elevators! Yeehaw! Hose out the parking garage! Yeehaw! Renovating the rooms! Wait a minute!
No need to re-do the rooms, just hang a pic of a Riviera room with the caption "Shut Up, You Could Be Staying HERE!"
Shoot Jr., I ain't fussy, I liked the Fitz! Keep the free rooms coming my way and just spend a few bucks on Twentyfour Hour Hot Water. That'd look cool on the marquee.