I made it pretty clear that I was not accusing this seller of anything but tried to make a point about some unscrupulous sellers trying to drum up bids by quoting old price guides with rarity values that they know to no longer be true.
While not accusing this seller of doing that, the chip he was selling made a good example as it is one known to have a recent find where the true value is significantly less than current book.
I had a few emails back and forth with the buyer of that chip and passed along some advice.
Today I was told that the seller (Buzbop) actually offered a refund of the delta between the purchase price and the $49 Buy it now that another seller is offering (A more reasonable price). He did this even though the buyer never specifically asked for his money back.
In my eyes, Buzbop is a heck of a guy. This is a seller showing that he wants to do the right thing, without even being asked to do so which gains a lot of respect in my book.
I also looked at his current auctions where there is no more referance to the book value so there is no more appearance of any wrongdoing whatsoever (I am not saying that there ever was).
Reason #4 that I love this hobby - Chippers doing the right thing and making things right with other chippers.
Yes, sure there is greedy people out there and you will always find someone out there trying to turn a buck by screwing someone else over. However, by far there are more decent honest people in this hobby that any other I have ever been involved with.
Thanks for listening and happy chipping to all,