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The Chip Board Archive 17

Collecting Tokens - Dead or Alive?

Another year of racing and working weekends at the sports car tracks. Just about ready to pack up in my computers, electronic devices, transponders, decoders, flags, rain suit, camping gear, white outfits... for boots, gloves and a warn jacket. Time to hibernate, and watch football! (and oh yes, start reading and writing here on a more regular basis) vbg

With TITO machines just about everywhere, even little casinos in the North woods of Wisconsin, I wondered if people are getting more interested in tokens? Used to be I could collect foreigns, right out of the machines in Nevada. No there are no tokens to be found!

Or have tokens just quietly shuffled off into gaming history?

Opinions and observations welcome. I'm just wondering what's been going on out there in the real world, while I've been away. grin

Messages In This Thread

Collecting Tokens - Dead or Alive?
IMHO, They are still alive, however
Re: Tokens: TITOs are also collectable
Personal Opinion
Dollar tokens only, Dick?
Re: Dollar tokens only, Dick?
Hey Pete, are those Formula Ford's?
Skip Barber and Thanks Everyone!
Thats Cool Pete. I went to Jim Russell in Ca.
Barber Mazda?

Copyright 2022 David Spragg