I have to make it clear that this seller could be 100% on the up and up. For all I knew he paid over $100 a chip and has no idea of the recent find. If thats the case he did absolutely nothing wrong.
My entire thread was pointing out that if someone did in fact know of a find or hoard, that they should be obligated to disclose it, especially if they are a club member.
By the way, another rule in the code of ethics is #10 which states.
To offer on all sales and trades, a 10-day return privilege on any item purchased or traded, unless I have clearly and conspicuously stated that items are sold or traded "as is," and without a return privilege.
Now while thats a club rule, it is against Ebay policy as your bid is a binding contract and you may face consequences from Ebay if you try and back out.
If you feel strongly about the situation, I would contact the seller and explain how you feel. Maybe you can both come to an agreement.