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The Chip Board Archive 17

3 of Chipcos nicest Deadwood chips 4 sale

I would like to know if any collectors have seen this $100? The $1 was impossible to get too. I had heard about this from collectors previously but until last week had never seen one. After more work than one can imagine and spending $285,000 I was able to get some Deadwood chips I needed. And have extras for my collector friends. I guarantee if I had not made a deal to get these we would never have them for our collections. Collectors don't know what dealers have to go through at times to get chips.

I did not get any $5's to go with this 4th issue set. Their last set. Now under new owners and B.B. Cody's should reopen for next summer with big changes. They are still open now but soon will remodel. I have no idea why there was a rack of $1's and $100's made. This is all I can verify were made and everyone might as well know the numbers.
Different picture front and back. $25 shows the lasso side which is the same picture for the $1 and $100.
The $1 chip is $75. $100 is also $75. (we were going to charge $100 but can raise it later). $25 will be face value $25 for now. I doubt many collectors picked this one up either when it was on the tables.

Copyright 2022 David Spragg