Apologizes to Greg Susong....
Recently I received a few emails from listeners of my online radio show telling me that they were having problems listening to my archived show, My broadcast provider BlogTalkRadio recently switched over to a Flash based Player
which can be temperamental if it is not install correctly, if you have an older version installed or are using a browser that is not compatible with Flash, In any case I went to my administrative function and downloaded a copy of the show, edited it down removing the Station ID at the top of the show, everytime I mentioned the call-in telephone number and the Public Service Announcements then rendered it into the RealPlayer format, the entire interview with Wayne and Gene was left completely in tact, However in reviewing my finished work I found that at one point when I was mentioning the Chipboard and the website I called Greg, Gene and for that Greg I am really... really... really sorry. If you've listened to the show either live or in the archive you probably could tell that I was nervous as hell because I haven't done any type of radio or interviewing since I worked at my college radio station.