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The Chip Board Archive 17

As I previously noted, my bids come in many

different values, with no sense towards above a certain amount or below a certain amount. I buy a lot off of eBay over the years. Yes, I have lost some by pennies and I have won some by pennies -- some just over dollar values ($XX.05, $XX.12, etc...) and some just under dollar values ($XX.99, $XX.92, etc...). My only point was that there are many different reasons that people bid their particular way; and simply because their (or MY) bidding methodology doesn't match yours is not a very good reason to accuse them of "shill bidding". Steve B

Messages In This Thread

NCR: Nutty eBay bids (not for chips)
Re: NCR: Nutty eBay bids (not for chips)
Re: NCR: Nutty eBay bids (not for chips)
(Message Deleted by Poster)
I would be careful with your "shill" inferences...
Re: I would be careful with your "shill" inference
As I previously noted, my bids come in many
Re: NCR: Nutty eBay bids (not for chips)
Re: NCR: Nutty eBay bids (not for chips)
The asterisks are added by eBay
Re: The asterisks are added by eBay

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