I didn't want any one person to possess a bunch of these so that he could increase the price substantially when I got rid of all the ones I had. Problem is that by selling them the "buy it now" way, I could not limit the number of times any one person could buy them so I have now eliminated the maximum amount. I am still going to try to limit the amount anyone can buy to 5. Don't know exactly how to do that as yet, however.
I found the least amount of the $0.05¢ and $0.10¢, and at $300.00 each is still a bargain. I did not find anymore $5.00 or $100.00 chips.
Oh yes, I am charging $4.00 shipping charges which just about covers the ebay fees. If one were to purchase any of these directly from me, then I would eliminate the shipping fees.
The $0.25¢ are 100.00
The $0.50¢ are 150.00
Don't even consider the $5.00 and $100.00 chip unless you have deep pockets as I only have 1 of each.
I believe that's all that's necessary to reveal about the subject.