If you're looking at shipping an antique 3-reel machine, shipping can run you $150 to $300. One of those Japanese pach-i-sloe machines will run $65 to $75 bucks, and $250 to $400 for an old 3-Reel full-sized electro-mechanical. The larger antiques can run around 100 pounds, and full sized electro-mechanicals can run 250 lbs to 300 lbs. Modern 3-Reel slots can be just over 100 pounds. Only the pach-i-sloe machines are shipped UPS. The others generally weigh to much, if they are well packaged, and so must go by truck. I have shipped, and been shipped to, on all of the above.
If you end up having to ship by truck, it is important to know a good shipper. Truckers, especially those with multiple trans-shipping warehouses, can be a disaster. Call a few slot machine restorers to get an ideal of good shipping companies. I haven't shipped in a while.