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The Chip Board Archive 17



See a $5,000 Frontier chip! rofl
See Bill Borland’s Worldwide Casino Exchange Binder! rofl
See St. Nicholas of Tolentine Personal chip! rofl
See Howard Herz’ Promo Token Guide! rofl
See Christine & Sheldon’s Chip Collection Printout! rofl

After much running around with no success I have plunked the meeting down at the Glencoe Park District Community Center at 999 Greenbay Rd. in Glencoe.

Yes, I know it’s the town that Chris and I live in!

YES, I know it will only take us 2 minutes to get there!

Yes, I know you are all scratching your heads as to why there!

Well, the answer is there wasn’t any other place! The Grand Victoria Elgin is out because there is football game that day! The people at Four Winds Casino said; NO! The Steak & Shake by Allstate Arena said NO! AND no one else came up with a location except a picnic, which folks, I am afraid to say doesn’t really do it for a place to have cards, dice, cash, chips and the Forest Preserve Police Dept. wondering! Let alone Yellow Jacket Wasps and Mosquitoes!


October 14, 2007
11AM till 4PM’ish
999 Greenbay Rd
Glencoe, Ill 60022


Dundee Rd. (rte 68 DEAD-ENDS at Greenbay Road if you’re going EAST. If you’re not, you’re going in the wrong direction! Turn LEFT at the dead-end and travel NORTH 1 BLOCK to the Glencoe Park District Community Center, turn right at Maple Hill, SEE THE HUGE sign for the COMMUNITY CENTER. There is an oval shaped parking lot in front of the door, park there, if parking is full come out of the driveway go one more block north, turn right into a large parking lot and come in the building through the back door! Nothing else is going on in there so the front parking lot should be fine. We are meeting in Room 11. Come in the FRONT door, turn left and walk the hall to Room 11

There is a meeting room fee for this occasion, if you are coming, and of course we hope you do, you can make a contribution, it is absolutely not necessary to do so, to defray the cost of the room there will be a box/bucket, throw in what you want or nothing at all!

Chris and I will bring a GIANT SUBWAY SANDWICH and a lot of soft drinks, if you want to bring something for nibbling purposes please feel free to do so. There is no need to clean up afterwards, we will toss the leftovers into the garbage containers and be done with it!

On the day of: my cell phone will be on for lost folk: 847.867.9384

Copyright 2022 David Spragg