and then use that money to enter an event.Easy!
OR....we could run our own separate satellite event with the winner going to a lesser event of their choosing,and, if that member is in the money,a percentage goes to the other members who entered the club tourney. Sounds kinda easy but I am sure it won't be.
I am just happy that it is on at the same time as the convention. WHOOPPEE!!
BUT....I wonder how hard it will be to find accomodation during that time(non hotel).
Hmmmm....lots to ponder now. Maybe my piggy bank money will be used to enter a tourney now....hmmmm....amybe we can scrape up 10 to 20 members at $150 a pop.Winner gets a $1500 buy in and if we have 20 participants we could send 2 members?
Since I am going to rent a house for 3 weeks in June,we could always have it there if we can't make any other arrangements?