"i would never in a million justify myself to someone who insulted me by asumming I'm being dishonest in their questions or comments. You don't even put your name in your email! You damand me to correct my listing? You have some nerve when you dont even introduce yourself just damand and assume fraud from an Ebay member with 100% rating. In the words of Carlos Mencia" you are a Dee Dee Dee" and since you conduct yourself in the manner of assumption. I will assume your an ******* and be blunt with you "**** OFF", you make me want to vomit with your lack of manners and people skills, your parents did a poor job raising you and it shows in the way in which you introduce yourself to others. If you we had met in person you would never said this to my face because doing so would have landed you face down in the dirt knocked out. You will one day learn repsect when you handle yourself in this manner in the street, but I'm sure you coward in person but are brave over the internet accusing and assuming others of fraud and dishonesty!
I will never write you again, so don't bother writing me back I delete it before viewing because you will never learn anything from my words just view them as an insult and you should!
R "
The profanity was edited out by the ChipTalk software!
the ChipTalk thread is linked below - we had a few members e-mailing him and after I sent his e-mail to eBay the sale was ended.