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The Chip Board Archive 17
He's back... with the same chip again.
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What happens with this man????
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anyone knows who is 1998raymond in Ebay?
Re: I would contact him and complain.
Re: I would contact him and complain.
Re: what a jack ass.. I'll never bid on his stuff.
Sounds like 1998raymond is the REAL loser!
Well I´ve lost money with him
Re: listen taco brain.
What a Jerk.I'll never bid either
Re: Hey, Alex! Your English...
anyone knows who is 1998raymond in Ebay?
Not to mention....
Is there a blacklist the club keeps of bad eBayers
Make sure you file a dispute
anyone knows who is 1998raymond in Ebay?
Thanks to all !!!
What happens with this man????
Re: What happens with this man????
Re: What happens with this man????
He's back... with the same chip again.
Re: He's back... with the same chip again.
Meanwhile, he has 3 neg feedbacks
Alex - ask him why he's listing the
He's sold that same photo over and over
He lives in Nevada
Re: He lives in Nevada
Re: He lives in Nevada
Just a thought...
Hey Alex,I emailed him last night &
Re: Hey Alex,I emailed him last night &
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