They talked recently about I have NEVER been there myself, but boy did they try and makeup my mind for me before I even get a chance to check it out! They talked so negative about who funds the site, but what the heck does it matter who funds the site? That is no secret smoking gun info, who funds a web site. Meanwhile they played it up like they were really uncovering some serious news with their spooky background music and negative conotations toward the site. They clearly do not want anyone to go to that site and if they do, they do not want anyone to believe that site... They must have been low on content that day. Must have been low on Iraq footage cause that's usually the only story they talk about, as if it is the only story affecting Americans.
I can't believe it is even legal for news channels to be biased. At least they should call themselves something like "Fox news - you hear it first...from a republican point of view" that way I would know to wear safety gear while watching. I thought news anchors were supposed to present facts in a nuetral way for the viewers to decide for themselves. Not true at all.
How does anyone get facts these days if the source has a hidden motive behind their news. I hate libraries so I watch tv and it isn't easy.