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The Chip Board Archive 17

The best religious explanation ever!!!

Thanks for the video, this is ground breaking and is finally an explanation to all religions to realize the truth. I am 27 minutes through and am loving it!

In the early civilizations, the seasons, the stars and the sun were so much a part of life and death. The creation of religion from astrology is amazing and creative, but this reminds us that religion is NOT based on historic earthly factual events, but rather historic and future factual astrologic events. Written religion is just translations of these astrologic events into terms that people could relate to.

Most people, unlike me, get bored watching a science show all about stars, but when you personify stars and astrological events like religion does, it becomes much more interesting for the general population.

I love the part about "the end of time" how religion has falsly translated the end of age as the end of time. The ages are the 12 different zodiacs and constellations and Jesus was the modern day personification of one of those ages.

As kids we were told that it is important to learn History in school. Learning about Ancient civilizations is the best way to learn more about the way we think of religion today. Christianity didn't make up the stories and symbols it uses, they were borrowed, and modified from several past civilizations.

I wish everyone would watch this!!!

Dave Cygul

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rofl Why did they lie rofl CHECK THIS LINK!!!
Re: rofl Why did they lie rofl CHECK THIS LINK
Re: rofl Why did they lie rofl CHECK THIS LINK
Same here...
Re: rofl Why did they lie rofl CHECK THIS LINK
The best religious explanation ever!!!
I just finished watching this video, and

Copyright 2022 David Spragg