I know that isn't going to happen, so that's why I'm moving to my own island as of now. So long!
I think religion is so ironic, because honestly, would any God actually approve of the way most people treat other people who don't agree with their political or religious views? Not even close folks! But I guess that's why 'they' invented the most convenient idea that you can do all the wrong you want and just ask for forgiveness and drop your $2 in the shiny collection plate and it is all better again. What a fairyland!!
Why does a Church make so much money and have rich priests if they are Non-Profit? Actually they are PURE profit!!
Any religion that tells me I need to pay money to be religous is nothing but a shady business to me. You can be very religous and never go to any worshop house, or ever donate to any religous group or ever subscribe to any official religion. All you need to do is decide who you are and what morals and values, if any, you are going to live by, and no one else ever needs to know any more about it. Being religious is personal and you have the ability to decide for yourself what you believe in. Don't worry about, or should I say be afraid of, what other people believe in.
Speaking of religion, I am disgusted with Americans who think that non-Christians should "go back home to their country". Guess what? America and Christianity are unrelated! America is all abouit religious freedom! Christmas is not a national holiday that everyone celebrates! Don't get offended if you meet someone who doesn't give a rats a$$ about Christmas!
There is one easy thought that demonstrates how silly it is for people to really believe their religion is factual or more right than any other. The fact that there are so many different religions and so many past civilizations have had so many different ones that we can look back on and laugh at as being ridiculous but somehow are so vein we really think we are the different ones who finally understand the truth!! Now that's funny!
Anyway, what does all this really matter as compared to sweet WSOP chips?
There, I knew I could add something to this mess!
Keep the pi$$ing contest going folks, I got extra popcorn and beer to last all night!