I was told from a real old timer this same thing happened in the early 1960's with individuals, investors and construction companies walking away from their own and half built sub divisions and buildings. Nevada will recover but it will take some time. Meanwhile, those who are interested in purchasing a home......now is the time to buy.
Crime is bad.......perpetutated by drugs, gangs, etc. It is true that it doesn't matter what neighborhood one lives in. Meth houses can be found in some of the most exclusive areas within Summerlin as well as down on "D" street. So what? Please explain how this is different than anywhere else in the country? Drugs and crime go hand in hand.
Schools are not all bad......in some areas minorities make up most of the enrollment, this is true. If ALL races are taken into account whites are in the minority. I guess if one is afraid of minorities perhaps one should move to where there are none.......may I suggest the moon.
Afraid to go out after dark............please Calvin.... where do you live? In the "Boston" area?
I am sure there are crimes that go unreported. However, if you would like to become a "cub" reporter. Hang out at the police station and you can get most if not all the stories and give them to the Review Journal for reporting.
There is a great deal of money that comes into our town. I am sure much of it if traced to its source could be considered shakey at best. However, I have been here over 30 years.........so tell me something that's new. I was one of the few IRS Revenue Agents in this town who firmly believed "money" was washed here NOT stolen or skimmed. We have a different crowd that comes to our town. They are between 21 and 35 looking to party, not 40 to 60 looking for what used to be offered here. Night clubs are being built......not show rooms. I don't much like it.....If I REALLY don't like it I'll leave. Maybe you should consider giving up your apartment and going back from where you came. You will not have to worry about our crime anymore. You can excahnge one set of worries for another