The below message has been sent to the seller. The book he sold is in fact FREE to anyone that wants to download it from the author BUT it is copyrighted. It is not available to be sold. The eBay seller has violated the copyright of this FREE book and sold it to me. I did not know that he was selling it (the description gave no hint of its origin) and I purchased it in the belief that it was his to sell!
SENT TO THE SELLER/hollywoodtreasurechest:
"You are a thief and a fraud. The author of what you sent me publishes this FREE and it is COPYRIGHT protected. I am reporting your activity to eBay this very minute. I will also notify the collectors that I do business with to stay away from you. You have a great deal of nerve printing out and selling something that the author gives away for free. I will never stop until I have my $ back and you are suspended from eBay! "
Sheldon Smith