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The Chip Board Archive 17

Re: Ross, what scanner are you using?

I have the Epson Perfection 2530. I bought it a couple of years ago, I had a Canon that could not do the rich Orange and Pink colors, then moved to the Microtek. The Microtek was good, but I learned an important lesson.... WINDEX AND SCANNERS DO NO MIX.

Then I moved to the Epson. This one was a big-box store model, they dont even sell it anymore, but they have others with the same specs (48-bit color depth, 2400x2400, etc). The software they give you is fine, I think they throw in a paint software like PaintShop, or something, plus the scanner software. The current models are equally as good. I'd not hesitate to buy another Epson.

Messages In This Thread

test scan for orange chips.
Re: test scan for orange chips.
rofl so what i will be swimming .....
Re: rofl so what i will be swimming .....
Ross, what scanner are you using?
Re: Ross, what scanner are you using?
You cheated. Your chips are yellow really vbg
You cheated. Your chips are black really vbg
or they could be blue vbg....
guess all im saying ross is.....

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