The 3 at the top were taken by the Luxor. They are all slightly different. Scan almost makes them look real but when you have them in hand they are quite obvious.
After the casino asked questions, Osborne Coinage hand made 3 slugs in different alloys/weights for a demonstration. Those are the 3 in the 2nd row.
The other 12 were all taken by casinos. Some are single sided, some double. Not the two that are 'negative' images. Some are lead but some are other materials real similar to genuine tokens. Surely some would have cost more than $1 to make
They are all different in some way, they were originally retained for reference.
The Hard Rock in there is probably the only one in public hands taken by the casino.
All 18 for $140 shipped. That is a bargain price as this is a really interesting lot you very rarely see.