It still makes no sense to me why you say "I WON'T SELL TO CANADA".
Our mail service is slow because most things have to be cleared by customs.We know that and we live with it.But that is something we HAVE to live with.If you notice....most payments from here to the USA, usually arrive in good time, SO...if you are getting your payment quickly,that is all that should matter right?
I do not like the fact, that sometimes I have to wait two weeks from when my item is mailed, to when I receive it but I deal with it.That is not the seller's fault(you, for example) and,if you are dealing with experienced eBayers,then they(me) will realize this.So if you are getting your money at a decent time,why do you care where you mail it?
If you will not mail to Canada are you not potentially cutting off several more interested bidders?
I always contact sellers who WILL NOT SHIP TO CANADA and plead my case(begging to give them more money???...why should I have to do this?) and most of them will allow my bid and all is well when I do this and I have never had a complaint, but ya know....the ones who are adament about not selling up here always have items go for way less than I was going to bid.So they actually lose a bunch of money.And that is just from me.Think about all of the other Canadians who also might be interested? Don't you find that a bit weird and counterproductive?
Which leads me back to the whole PAYPAL ONLY thing. It is costing the seller money by only accepting one mode of payment.
I am so glad that you have Canadian friends Fred.Hope that I can be one of them and you know what?...I WILL SELL TO YOU ANYTIME!