NCR - Funny!! Little Johnny & the new baby
There was a woman that had a new baby boy
that was born without any ears. Her neighbor
across the street wanted to go see him. She had a little
boy named Johnny that was mean as hell. He always
had something bad to say about everything.
So she set Little Johnny down and explained the
situation and informed him Not to say a word about
the baby not having any ears. She said no matter
what don't comment on his condition. So off they went
to see the baby. When they got inside the woman took
them to a baby bed and Little Johnny peaked inside.
He said "The baby has beautiful skin." Then he said
"He sure does have beautiful hair." "He sure has a beautiful face."
Then he said, even louder "He sure has beautiful eyes, Can he see good?"
The mother replied, "Sure he can Johnny." "Well", Little Johnny said
"You better be darn glad of it, cause he would be sh*t out of luck if he had
to wear glasses!!"