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The Chip Board Archive 17
Re: Who has donated their collection?
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Who has donated their collection?
Yes there has been some collection items donated for use. At present I believe Carey Burke, Club Historian, is handling the donations and record keeping.
Messages In This Thread
What happens to your collection when you're gone?
My local coin club
Re: What happens to your collection when you're go
Dang fine group of guys there David
Re: What happens to your collection when you're go
Re: What happens to your collection when you're go
Re: What happens to your collection when you're go
Re: What happens to your collection when you're go
The Buddy System
Funny You should mention this
Re: Funny You should mention this
Re: Funny You should mention this
Been there already
Thank you all for your input.
Ken, I disagree with you post.
Donate to the CC>CC
Keep in mind!
Who has donated their collection?
Re: Who has donated their collection?
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