The US is a nation of laws. The Declaration is not a law document, nor was it written by Americans (they were british citizens when it was written ). The Constitution applies to all persons covered by the laws of our nation (even illegals). It does not matter whether you think it should, it does and has for nearly two centuries. All treaties that are agreed to by the US Gov. have the same effect as any other federal law. Which means a head of state (or any other person covered by the protections of diplomatic immunity) can't just be scooped up.
Not sure what 'brooklyn style' means, but while presumably meant to be tough, it just made me think of bad pizza.
As for the issue as a whole...
The more the goofball speaks, the less credible on the world stage he becomes. Let him speak, and trust smart folks to point out what kind of idiot he is (just like those kids did as they humiliated him with their questions and rsponses to his answers). We chose to ignore what Hitler was saying, and nobody who had the ability to challenge it did (till too late). Let despots speak, listen to them, and then challenge them with sense and logic and justice will prevail. That is the beauty of the 1st amendment. But avoid racism, don't become the evil you despise.