But this blog mixes two problems that are not really related. As a Texan Mr. Bush has been around Latinos for a long time. From an historical perspective it could even be argued that those of Northern European descent are the aliens there. However the 12 million or so who have come here illegally have now spread pretty much throughout the country. Here in Chicago there was a great attempt by the Department of Homeland Security to make us safer at O'Hare airport by arresting all the cleaning personnel. I guess they figure that was better than saving lives during Katrina. The immigrants are just trying to better themselves and they work hard at jobs many of us Gringos would prefer not to do. When Bush says it is impossible to deport them all I think what he really means is that it would cost a WHOLE LOT of money to do so. I get the idea that those who call for mass deportation believe it can be done at little or no cost which is erroneous.
As to the Muslim world I agree that the invasion of Iraq is the biggest international relations blunder ever committed by our country and right now there is NO GOOD WAY out of it.